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Notre Podcast
Notre podcast vous plonge dans le monde passionnant de l’opéra, où la musique, l’émotion et le drame se combinent en une expérience unique. Dans chaque épisode, nous vous emmenons derrière le rideau pour explorer les histoires qui se cachent derrière les opéras les plus emblématiques et les voix qui leur donnent vie.
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Basée sur 12 avis
Emma Orlandi
Without a doubt one of the best activities I have chosen for my children! Primarily from what I see the courses are focused more on the opera singing style, whereas the camps cover well known musical theatre to operas! In addition they learn about the stories behind them and create some wonderful things. They learn through play and many Montessori inspired activities.
My eldest loves the camps! The atmosphere is always one of fun and creativity! My youngest has been attending the Wednesday classes for 4 years now and still loves to go! Sophie and her team are so warm and help foster confidence building in all the children. They learn/ are encouraged at their own pace. In short they are like a family from the youngest to the eldest child, they all support and encourage each other!
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Le cours a été une expérience merveilleuse que nous allons répéter bientôt! Bravo!!
Isabelle Nicod
Excellente académie pour jeunes chanteuses et chanteurs!
Jeanne Lévy
Superbe école de formation de chant, musique, théâtre, comédie musicale, danse, solfège... programme complet!!! Bravo
Andrea Lucard
My son studied opera here from ages 11-17. The instruction was superb--and this year my son got admission into US universities in part due to the strength of his music portfolio that was almost entirely based out of his opera work. His voice (and character) were carefully nurtured during the complex years of adolescence, and we are extremely grateful for the care and teaching that Piccolo Opera provided.